
Create Your Own Adventure

This assignment utilized Adobe Animate to challenge us to build a Create Your Adventure style game.   We designed the game inside Adobe Animate using an iPad preset. My “game” featured a character having to make a choice between going to the movies or the mall when he was skipping class.  Despite the apparent simplicity of the animation, I found that creating this was actually quite complex and time consuming.  Overall I was pleased with the final product.  Creating the various state changes and onion skinning of the animation was a lot of fun and I believe shows my creative skills.

Virtual Reality Headset Guide

For the Infographic assignment, we utilized Adobe Muse and Animate.  Our challenge was to create an animated and interactive infographic with Animate to accompany your chosen news article or topic in Muse.   I chose to highlight Virtual Reality Headsets.  This was a very fun challenge that incorporated animation for the web and hyperlinks.  It taught me how to create popups and work on developing exit buttons. 

Sundance Photo Viewer

Our final project for Advanced Animation and Design required us to create an advanced interactivity project of our choice.  I chose to create a photo viewer of my trip to the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.  I take my students every year to the festival as a field trip experience.   This project involved several software programs.  I used Adobe Photoshop to format, crop, and adjust all of the images.  I then used Animate to create the interactive photo viewer elements.  I was very proud of this project.  As seen in the video, there were many ways to advance and change the images, using either the thumbnails at the bottom or using the previous and next film camera buttons.  I created state changes for all of the buttons.  I also included a mute button for the music.   

Name Animation

The name animation project challenged us to create an animation using themes and elements that describe our personalities.  I focused on music for mine.  We were required to make the project at least 10 seconds long, incorporate at least 1 looping movie clip symbol, and use imported graphics.

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